What is so different about Lychee honey?

Honey - a sweet lover’s delight! It is savoured for its taste and several health benefits, namely, rich in antioxidants, is suitable for healing, acts as a moisturizer, and is an excellent source of energy.

Even before beekeeping became, mainstream honey consumption has always been in our tradition. What has changed over the years is the variety of honey that consumers get. At present, pure honey suppliers in India are bringing astonishing variants such as lychee, ajwain, acacia, berry and many more.

With so much information overload, many people wonder if lychee honey refers to lychee flavoured honey or is it natural? Well, it is absolutely natural. At Bee Bucket, lychee honey is produced by bees sucking on nectar from lychee plants. 

Honey lovers now savour the deliciousness of lychee honey with all the health benefits listed below:

  • Due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities, Litchi honey is regarded as an excellent dietary for modest health issues and faster healing of wounds.

  • This flavour is said to maintain proper blood pressure levels and promote physical wellbeing.

  • Vitamin C and B6 are also available. Vitamin C plays a vital function in the formation and repair of tissue, while B6 is excellent for brain health.

  • It is also said to promote weight loss along with moderate exercise and diet.

  • BeeBucket’s honey comes in the purest form by eliminating any scavenger properties and other impurities. Further, lychee honey is unpasteurized; in other words, nothing is added to manipulate its taste and quality, making us a preferred Lychee honey exporters.

Unlike regular honey, lychee honey is much thicker and more opaque in appearance. It endures scrumptious fruity aroma and taste. BeeBucket stands amongst major Lychee honey suppliers, reaching out to the different parts of the world with a jar of health, sweetness and goodness!


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